Kollektsioon: Kõik

Avastage meie ühe päritoluga vürtside rikkalikud maitsed, mis pärinevad otse väikestest taludest üle kogu maailma. Meie vürtsid on käsitsi korjatud, loomulikult kuivatatud, võimaluse korral mahepõllumajanduslikult kasvatatud ja täis intensiivset maitset. Lisateavet meie hankimistavade kohta leiate siit.

  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Rosehip_Seed_Oil_CP01_2828dc7f-8736-4565-99b7-988afcf01240.jpg?v=1741160218&width=400 Roosiõie seemneõli

    Roosiõie seemneõli

    Brightens and rejuvenates skin with essential antioxidants.

    Tavaline hind €15,10
    Tavaline hind €15,90 Müügihind €15,10
    100ml €15,10 (€15,90)
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Fenugreek_Seed_Oil_CP03_2e4ee56a-1299-46bc-8d09-d5ad6a01438d.jpg?v=1741160353&width=400 Lambaläätse seemnete õli

    Lambaläätse seemnete õli

    Balances oil production and promotes skin healing.

    Tavaline hind €11,99
    Tavaline hind €12,60 Müügihind €11,99
    100ml €11,99 (€12,60)
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Avocado_Oil_CP04_4c8c9f4e-435c-451f-83ec-9369f9040bb1.jpg?v=1741160422&width=400 Avokaadoõli orgaaniline

    Avokaadoõli orgaaniline

    Moisturizes and improves skin elasticity with rich vitamins.

    Tavaline hind Alates €10,45
    Tavaline hind €11,00 Müügihind Alates €10,45
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Apricot_Kernel_Oil_CP05_b9520289-2d37-48dc-899c-ee835eb72afd.jpg?v=1741160472&width=400 Aprikoosi tuumaõli

    Aprikoosi tuumaõli

    Lightly hydrates and enhances skin’s natural glow.

    Tavaline hind Alates €17,99
    Tavaline hind €18,90 Müügihind Alates €17,99
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Basil_Seed_Oil_CP06_701c89a1-eb42-471b-9532-e04faa1f63f8.jpg?v=1741160524&width=400 Basiiliku seemnete õli

    Basiiliku seemnete õli

    Rich in Antioxidants, Omega Fatty Acids, and Essential Nutrients.

    Tavaline hind €9,95
    Tavaline hind €10,40 Müügihind €9,95
    100ml €9,95 (€10,40)
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Argan_Oil_CP07_90fc5e6a-1b43-4c86-a2a7-70b7b1d07bd9.jpg?v=1741160573&width=400 Orgaaniline argaaniaõli

    Orgaaniline argaaniaõli

    Packed with Vitamin E, Essential Fatty Acids, and Antioxidants.

    Tavaline hind €18,99
    Tavaline hind €19,90 Müügihind €18,99
    100ml €18,99 (€19,90)
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Chia_Seed_Oil_CP08_1e2d6b32-4cf9-461b-84c8-dc6711514f6c.jpg?v=1741160624&width=400 Chia seemnete õli

    Chia seemnete õli

    Great source of Omega-3, Antioxidants, and Essential Nutrients.

    Tavaline hind Alates €12,99
    Tavaline hind €13,60 Müügihind Alates €12,99
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Pumpkin_Seed_Oil_CP09_e32f0f62-6c47-4480-a326-4cffa584437a.jpg?v=1741160671&width=400 Kõrvitsaseemneõli orgaaniline

    Kõrvitsaseemneõli orgaaniline

    Abundant in Zinc, Antioxidants, and Omega Fatty Acids.

    Tavaline hind Alates €11,59
    Tavaline hind €12,20 Müügihind Alates €11,59
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Flax_Seed_Oil_CP010_f34dd625-1380-48e0-be74-87f1ade28dd9.jpg?v=1741160726&width=400 Linaõli


    High in Omega-3, Antioxidants, and Essential Fatty Acids.

    Tavaline hind Alates €9,95
    Tavaline hind €10,40 Müügihind Alates €9,95
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Black_Cumin_Oil_CP011_7d155017-414d-49d8-9aff-2282287f8edc.jpg?v=1741160773&width=400 Must köömneõli

    Must köömneõli

    Packed with antioxidants, fatty acids, and alkaloids for health.

    Tavaline hind Alates €7,99
    Tavaline hind €8,40 Müügihind Alates €7,99
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Mustard_Seed_Oil_CP012_41eb8a51-4009-48d4-9df6-b23e893f0f74.jpg?v=1741160821&width=400 Sinepiseemneõli


    Nourishes with antioxidants, Omega fatty acids, and vitamins.

    Tavaline hind Alates €17,72
    Tavaline hind €18,60 Müügihind Alates €17,72
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Hemp_Seed_Oil_CP013_fc6435e3-73ae-48d4-9fab-d9e87001eb5c.jpg?v=1741160878&width=400 Kanepiõli


    Abundant in Omega-3, Omega-6, and Essential Amino Acids for balance.

    Tavaline hind Alates €8,90
    Tavaline hind €9,30 Müügihind Alates €8,90
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Walnut_Oil_CP014_3a0f547b-37da-4467-890e-5e563c6aff7b.jpg?v=1741160952&width=400 Pähkliõli


    A blend of Omega-3, Antioxidants, and Vitamin E for glowing wellness.

    Tavaline hind Alates €12,99
    Tavaline hind €13,60 Müügihind Alates €12,99
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Extra_Virgin_Olive_Oil_CP015_3c9c8515-9ee7-4295-a572-972dd705b9fc.jpg?v=1741161022&width=400 Ekstra neitsioliiviõli

    Ekstra neitsioliiviõli

    Full of Antioxidants, Omega Fatty Acids, and Polyphenols for vitality.

    Tavaline hind Alates €8,90
    Tavaline hind €9,30 Müügihind Alates €8,90
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Sesame_Seed_Oil_CP016_e6237246-468e-4c7a-a052-eae3ca74f2ab.jpg?v=1741161092&width=400 Seesamiõli


    Infused with antioxidants, Omega fatty acids, and vitamins.

    Tavaline hind Alates €12,95
    Tavaline hind €13,60 Müügihind Alates €12,95
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Grapeseed_Oil_CP017_a2cefa8c-7093-405c-840c-c6ff5b69f3b7.jpg?v=1741161235&width=400 Viinamarjaseemneõli


    High in Omega-6, antioxidants, and Vitamin E for skin and hair health.

    Tavaline hind Alates €17,63
    Tavaline hind €18,50 Müügihind Alates €17,63
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Wheatgerm_Oil_CP018_b5ed5de7-e4ca-402a-aa6e-22cbb7f4f9af.jpg?v=1741161380&width=400 Nisuõli


    Vitamin E, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids for rejuvenation.

    Tavaline hind €9,24
    Tavaline hind €9,70 Müügihind €9,24
    100ml €9,24 (€9,70)
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Sea_Buckthorn_Fruit_Pulp_Oil_CP019_e84199d5-d620-4b48-b3bc-2f2af120c9e9.jpg?v=1741161438&width=400 Seabuckthorn Fruit Pulp Oil

    Seabuckthorn Fruit Pulp Oil

    Omega-7, antioxidants, and vitamins A, C, E for skin radiance.

    Tavaline hind €19,78
    Tavaline hind €20,80 Müügihind €19,78
    100ml €19,78 (€20,80)
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Neem_Seed_Oil_CP020_6ad9380e-8d85-4c43-82d5-2cfd44111a8c.jpg?v=1741161493&width=400 Neemi seemneõli

    Neemi seemneõli

    Rich in antioxidants, fatty acids, and anti-inflammatory compounds.

    Tavaline hind €9,60
    Tavaline hind €10,10 Müügihind €9,60
    100ml €9,60 (€10,10)
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Acai_Berry_Oil_CP021_284ba466-7a23-40fc-b476-ac629870dd90.jpg?v=1741161578&width=400 Acai Berry õli

    Acai Berry õli

    With antioxidants, Omega fatty acids, and vitamins for youthful skin.

    Tavaline hind €21,70
    Tavaline hind €22,80 Müügihind €21,70
    100ml €21,70 (€22,80)
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Camelina_Oil_CP022_3c645ccc-56c3-4834-9f3d-d194b284565e.jpg?v=1741161657&width=400 Kaamelinaõli


    Rich in Omega-3, Vitamin E, and Antioxidants for radiant health.

    Tavaline hind €8,24
    Tavaline hind €8,70 Müügihind €8,24
    100ml €8,24 (€8,70)
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Amla_Oil_CP023_ee498b14-600d-4d53-8c86-bec85353f00f.jpg?v=1741161725&width=400 Amla õli

    Amla õli

    Vitamin C, antioxidants, and fatty acids for skin rejuvenation.

    Tavaline hind €13,59
    Tavaline hind €14,30 Müügihind €13,59
    100ml €13,59 (€14,30)
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Blackberry_Seed_Oil_CP024_e23f40c3-e1b6-4739-9f76-527a362bdcd7.jpg?v=1741161773&width=400 Blackberry Seed Oil

    Blackberry Seed Oil

    Rich in Omega-3, Antioxidants, and Vitamins for skin nourishment.

    Tavaline hind €9,99
    Tavaline hind €10,50 Müügihind €9,99
    100ml €9,99 (€10,50)
  • //spiceherbsland.ee/cdn/shop/files/Castor_Oil_CP025_dd0bef19-4596-4fdc-ba2d-8db912b65b16.jpg?v=1741161827&width=400 Ritsinusõli


    Deeply moisturizes, promoting hair and skin health.

    Tavaline hind €14,00
    Tavaline hind €14,70 Müügihind €14,00
    100ml €14,00 (€14,70)

144 tooted

FAQ Image

Frequently Asked Questions

Spices should be stored in airtight containers away from heat, light, and moisture. Whole spices last longer than ground spices, but both should be kept in a cool, dry place to maintain their aroma and potency.

Whole spices can last 2-4 years, while ground spices typically remain fresh for 1-3 years. However, spices don’t "expire" in the traditional sense—they just lose their flavor and potency over time.

Spice blends like Garam Masala, Taco Mix, and Italian Seasoning add depth to dishes without requiring multiple spices. They can be used as rubs for meat, seasoning for vegetables, or added to soups and stews for extra flavor.

Spices don’t typically grow mold unless exposed to moisture. If a spice smells weak or has clumps, it may have absorbed humidity and should be replaced.

Spices like cinnamon, cayenne pepper, turmeric, and black pepper may help boost metabolism, aid digestion, and promote fat burning.

Dried herbs like oregano, thyme, and rosemary should be added early in the cooking process so they have time to release their flavors. In contrast, fresh herbs should be added at the end for the best taste.

Add dairy (yogurt, cream, milk) to balance heat. Mix in a little sugar or honey to counteract spiciness. Add more of the main ingredients (like broth, tomatoes, or potatoes) to dilute the spice.

Basic spices include: For everyday cooking: Black pepper, salt, cumin, coriander, paprika, garlic powder. For baking: Cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice. For spicy dishes: Chili powder, cayenne, mustard seeds. For Mediterranean & Italian dishes: Oregano, basil, rosemary, thyme.

While we take precautions, our spices are processed in facilities that may handle nuts, seeds, and gluten-containing ingredients. Please check individual product labels for details.